Wednesday, November 10, 2010

12 year old spaniard implicated in doping investigation

I am so tired of seeing this face. Even when it was simply racing in the Tour de France, I always was turned off by his arrogance and seeming lack of respect for the sports' greats. Some may argue that having a degree of confidence to the point of arrogance is critical to competing on the top level of the sport, but there are guys who have been successful with being complete ass holes. Take for example Fabian Cancellara, Andy Schleck, Levi Leipheimer, Thor Hushovd, or even George Hincapie. All these guys have accomplished major feats in the world of cycling, yet remain (at least publicly) fairly humble athletes. As if his greasy disposition wasn't enough, Contador has been implicated in a doping scandal for several months now (less so publicly). Personally, I think Contador's actions have taken one step further toward destroying our sport, but Alberto alone is not solely to blame; the current anti-doping measures do nothing to stop this. A two year ban and slap on the wrist simply reinforces the notion that you can dope, be successful, and get away with it. In order to truly stop doping, the UCI must make the penalties for doping much more severe than the potential benefits of doping: a lifetime ban for convicted dopers. Nuff said

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